Our commitments

Cóndor-CND is a brand committed to the welfare of people and the world around us.
We choose to act sustainably in all the areas we influence, both internally and externally.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Our Corporate Social Responsibility policies include acting sustainability, a commitment to the environment, quality and safety of garments, labour regulations, and collaborating with society in the field of social action..

We respect the environment

All Cóndor activities are conducted in the most environmentally friendly way, using natural materials and meeting all European standards, promoting biodiversity conservation and the sustainable management of natural resources.

At Cóndor, we are aware that our planet needs a quick transition to a green economy that is low on carbon, such that we undertake environmental improvement initiatives and collaborate with research centres such as Aitex, Fitex, Inédit in projects that help minimise the environmental impact at all stages of our products’ life cycle.

Social engagement

Our social commitment is seen in the organisation’s sponsorship and social actions that are channelled through our collaboration with social entities such as Oxfam, Cáritas, Fundación Vicente Ferrer, Fundación Arrels, etc. which help the most needy – especially children.

Some of the entities with whom we work.